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Green Elements is a complex and balanced formula that achieves a rare harmony of ingredients that is often missing in green formulas.
Creating this formula with fresh, whole, hand selected ingredients produces a satisfying flavor, and effectiveness. Yet what makes this blend special is the harmony between the ingredients, which allows all the botanicals to be expressed without diminishing the value of any single ingredient.
In most greens formulas, the concentration levels of ingredients and formula blends will have some positive qualities, yet many herb combinations and/or preparations will cancel out or neutralize the potential benefits. This is due to the lack of skill or understanding of how the herbs work together, versus how beneficial the individual ingredients are on their own. This leads to taking several tablespoons of powder (even the powders without fillers) to feel something or gain results nutritionally.
You can obtain compounding benefits by understanding how each herb works to compliment the whole of the formula, while simultaneously unlocking each individual ingredient so its full spectrum expression can be realized and protected from degradation as a powder. Since different botanicals require unique processing to make the nutrients bio-available and absorbable with no waste, methods for each individual ingredient could be juicing, steaming, fermenting, soaking, macerating, heating, freeze-drying, etc., depending on the food/herb being used.
Green Elements is a masterfully crafted formula created with respect, and an awareness of how the harmony of the ingredients is much more effective than the individual ingredients themselves.
We combine young leaf juices, whole greens, adaptogenic tonics, whole food concentrates, algae, enzymes from plant fermentation, cold pressed and dried vegetable juices, sprouted nutrients, and round it out with herbs that protect and purify the body.
The formula fills in the nutritional gaps that may be missing in one's diet.
Green Elements Blend:
Young Leaf Juice- Cold pressed concentrates of barley grass juice, rice sprout leaf juice, rye leaf juice, oat grass leaf juice, parsley leaf, spinach, kale leaf, collard leaf
Whole Plant Green Blend- Barley, rice sprout leaf, rye leaf, wheat leaf, kamut grass leaf, oat grass leaf, alfalfa grass leaf
Immune Tonic Herbal Extracts- Astragalus, goji (medicinal grade), schizandra berry, dojosan amachii, reishi mushroom, agaricus mushroom, pearl powder (hydrolyzed), shiitake mushroom, maitake mushroom, cordyceps mushroom, rhodiola root, ashwagandha root, tibetan lotus seed, he shou wu, fu ling mushroom, ginger root, dang gui shen, codonopsis root, bai zhu, rehmannia root, peony root, tangerine peel, yuan zhi, chuan xiong, jujube fruit, honey fried licorice
Whole Food Support- Spirulina, chlorella, rice sprout-germ, red/brown/purple rice bran solubles, hydrilla, blue green algae
Pre-Digested Phyto-Nutrition (plant based enzymatics) - Fresh freeze-dried organic sprouts of barley, spirulina, rice, wheat, alfalfa, yam, quinoa, apple fruit, acerola, green papaya fruit, whole açaí berry, blueberry, amaranth, natural plant derived enzymes (lipase, bromelain, amylase, glucoamylase,cellulase,protease) probiotic components of lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus delbreukii, saccharomyces boulardii, saccharomyces cerevisiae
Whole Vegetable Juice/Flash Cold Pressed- Broccoli juice, tomato juice, carrot juice, beet root and tops juice, fennel root juice, garlic juice, onion juice, red swiss chard juice, cucumber juice, kale juice, celery juice, baby spinach juice, asparagus juice, ginger juice
Algae & Sea Vegetables (extracts and plant based fucoidans)- Kaiso, kombu, wakame, hijiki, arame, dulse, bladderwrack, grape stone, sea fern
Sprouted Seed Nutrients- Adzuki bean sprouts, amaranth sprout, buckwheat sprout, flax seed sprout, green tea seed pressed, basil seed sprout, radish seed sprout, clover seed sprout, pumpkin seed sprout, quinoa sprout, millet sprout, sunflower seed sprout, green lentil sprout, chia seed sprout, kidney bean sprout, garbanzo bean sprout, black sesame seed sprout
Purifying Herbs/Blood Support- Burdock root (gobo), red clover, bitter melon, yellow dock root, apple fiber pectin, stevia, rose hips, hibiscus flower, nettle leaf, slippery elm, sheep sorrel, angelica, ashitaba, luo han guo, watercress, ginkgo leaf, aloe
Essential Protectors- Sunflower, rosemary leaf, rine peel orange, lemon seed, clove bud, sage leaf, trace essential frankincense, white thyme leaf
There are no sweeteners, flavoring agents, fillers, excipients, or flow agents in our green elements. It is simply the pure flavors of the freshly prepared ingredients above.
Dosage: 1/4 teaspoon (approx 1.5g) 2 times daily
Doses per container: Approximately 66